Acai Fruit [ acai berry ]

          Acai is a palm tree that grows naturally in Central and South America. This palm is particularly abundant in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil and produces a fruit berries. The Acai fruit is a staple diet of members of indigenous tribes of the Amazon. The Acai palm and Acai berry fruit can be found as far north as Belize (Belize City is the largest city in the Central American nation of Belize , where it grows in swamps and along the flood plains. The Acai berry has recently become an important component of the local economy in these regions. Since the rise of popularity of the Acai fruit, now the trees are grown specifically for harvest and export.

        It is a small round black purple, grape-sized  that is grown in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. The fruit has a single large seed about 0.25-0.40 inches (7-10mm) in diameter. Acai Berry ripe fruits are deep purple color, or green, depending on the type of acai berry as well as its maturity, depending on the species and the exact conditions under which it is grown. The Acai fruit has a large pit which is about 80 percent of the mass. They grow on the trees that produce special called panicles of 500 to 900 fruits each.  The endocarp of the acai berry fruit takes approximately 80% of the fruit while the mesocarp that contains the pulp which is uniform thickness. For the Amazon people of Brazil, Acai Berries are a very important food component, it occupies up to 42% of the total food intake by weight and the juice and pulp of acai berry have been seen to be very useful fruit and is used in various juice blends, smoothies, sodas, and different beverages. The juice has also been used in a flavored liqueur.
          It is the fruit of a palm tree that grows in the Amazon rain forests of Brazil.  Two or three crops of fruit are produced each year.  The Acai Fruit is loaded with antioxidants that protect health and give  energy. In fact, it delivers 33 times more antioxidant power than both red grapes and red wine. The Acai Fruit also contains amino acids, important vitamins and trace minerals. 

        Since açaí loses it’s nutritional value rapidly after harvesting, outside the growing region, popular forms of açaí are frozen, dried or freeze-dried.  Several companies now manufacture juices, health drinks, and sorbets with these little berries (often times with other berries and fruits included with it).
          Harvesting of the berry deep begins in the Brazilian Amazon—removing only the berries and leaving the tree for future harvesting and safeguarding the rainforest.  Since the açaí berry is a delicate fruit, much of its vitamins and nutrients can be lost within 24 hours after harvesting.  Some companies take special care to freeze the berry, and then reduce the berry into a fine freeze dried powder.  It is through this patent pending technique that certain companies are able to capture the amazing benefits that only the fresh açaí berry can offer.  For bottling, the best technique is flash pasteurization rather than kettle pasteurization; therefore capturing the fresh flavors, vibrant colors and dense nutrient content of the berry.
          Acai berries are usually recognised as weight loss supplements, although they also help in restricting the aging process and augment cell recovery. The weight loss properties of the fruit could be attributed to the increase in the metabolic rate, caused by its consumption. Such an increase is triggered by the large amounts of anti-oxidants contained in the fruit. Therefore it leads to fat breakdown and also increases energy levels, relieving stress at the same time. As compared to the other synthetic materials, there are no side effects attached to Acai Berry supplement and hence it simplifies the weight loss process. There is a lot of medical research done, demonstrating the effects of Acai Berry juice on weight loss.
          Acai berry  protects the body’s cells from pathogens, antigens and carinogens.  The body recognized these nutrients and adapts them to protect and strengthen the immune system.  The berry allows blood/brain barrier transmission while strengthening cell membranes.  All cell membranes need to protect against the unwanted entrance of pathogens.  The berry strengthens the nervous system.  From the brain to the smallest nerve ending, this physiological  process needs energy for proper synaptic responses that quality food delivers.  The berry provides essential oils.  Oils are an array of incredibly small particles that bind with other nutrients and transport them through membranes.  Human bodies would not work without them.  They not only transport, but contain phytochemicals themselves.
         Acai Berry has many health benefits such improving mental clarity, promotes deep sleep, provides the body vital vitamins, cleanses and purifies the body of toxins that are infectious, build the immune system, increases sexual desire and performance and help in fighting against cancer virus, reduces the aging process, it relieves diabetes, it helps in the standardization and regulating the cholesterol level, assists in proper functioning of the heart, reduce inflammation, increase circulation as well as improves vision . While Acai Berry is currently on the scene in American circles, but it has existed for several centuries and is a source of healthy life for many people, especially the inhabitants of Brazil.

         Acai berries have no side effects. Only recently has its popularity spread to America. Doctors, researchers, nutritionists and innumerous media outlets praise about its nutritional value and health benefits.

         Calling the Acai berry "the number one super food in the world ". The Small berry is packed with an astonishing amount of free-radical fighting antioxidants as the best overall nutritional value of any fruits on the earth.

       Acai berry fruit has several health benefits that have recently been uncovered and are the reason for its growing popularity. The Acai berry fruit:

* Promotes rapid losses in weight by efficiently metabolizing excess fat.
* High antioxidant content fights cancer by rejuvenating cells.
* Reduces the effects of aging by renewing cells, especially in the skin.
* Increases energy levels by detoxifying the blood.
* Strengthens the immune system.
* Improves heart health and the overall health of the circulatory system.
* Clears the mind and improves memory .

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1 comment:

  1. Acai berry is the fruit having highest amount of antioxidant. Antioxidant slows down the aging process and therefore many health care industries are using Acai berry in their product as a basic ingredient. Thank you for sharing such a nice post. Consuming Acai Berry Juice every day without fail improves overall health of an individual.

    Best Regards,
    Mantis Hugo
